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The Eco-Choice: recycling

How Plastic Can Help Detect Migrating Birds at Night

Birding is a popular activity and for those with limited knowledge, birding can take place even at...

The HolyGrail of Packaging: NEW Digital Watermarks for Smart Packaging Recycling

Many of us are heartbroken when we see plastics in the ocean, especially when we learn that so much...

Eco-Friendly Date Ideas for a Sustainable Valentine's Day

It's love month and with Valentines Day coming up, we thought it’d be the perfect opportunity for...

Becoming Sustainable Santa

The highly anticipated holiday season is quickly approaching. With family and friends in mind, many...

Understanding the Real Recycling Rate in America | Numbers Uncovered

It is easy to get discouraged when we hear that the plastic recycling rate in the US is as low as...

How to Avoid Single-Use Plastic

Single-use plastics have been the saving grace during times of disaster, power outages, and any...

Understanding Three Types of Recycling Processes

Recycling plastic is kind of this cool mystical topic – where plastic waste leaves our homes to one...

Breaking Down Recycling

After celebrating a new year, we’re still in the spirit to goal set, right? While some of our goals...

Two Fun Ways to Cut Waste This Holiday Season

We love a festive holiday season, and even though gift giving is part of the celebrations, we still...

How Terracycle Bridges The Gap in Recycling

Having access to resources that can make recycling and reusing easier is one thing we...